Enroute To Piratenpartei's Victory Night

I’m currently at Stockholm Arlanda airport, terminal 2, having breakfast in a bar. I really like airports. Perhaps that’s a stroke of luck, given how much I travel.

Today’s destination is Berlin and the celebrations of the imminent victory there. As usual when something large like this happens, Pirate Party leaders from all over Europe are converging on the event.

Most of us have met before, and it’s always a dear reunion. Also, I bring a little something Swedish – as much as I was allowed to with these new ridiculous flight restrictions. That’s another thing we’ll have to deal with sooner or later.

My first stop is the TV broadcast Piratorama, where I’ll be on live at 1500 hours CET today. Then, I hope to check in to my room, leave most of my stuff, and head straight to the election night.

Piratenpartei Berlin has really outdone themselves this time. It takes hard work and a ton of stubbornness, but apparently, we’re all getting there, one spectacular success at a time.

I’ll be reporting more from the night as events unfold.

Rick Falkvinge

Rick is the founder of the first Pirate Party and a low-altitude motorcycle pilot. He lives on Alexanderplatz in Berlin, Germany, roasts his own coffee, and as of right now (2019-2020) is taking a little break.


  1. Chris

    Could you post video of your time on TV? Some of us don’t get European television channels.

  2. PiratGurra

    You can view ARD-mediathek hier:
    That’s what I am doing right now =)


    […] Anna Troberg, Rick Falkvinge, Henrik Alexandersson, Magnihasa och Kunskapssamhället. input, textarea{} #authorarea{ […]

  4. PiratGurra

    Himla kul att se att det gick så bra! Har glott på ARD och piratkanaler hela kvällen här. =) Nu lär ju även “Svensson” förstå piratpolitik är på riktigt när vi kommer in i fullmäktige för huvudstaden i EUs mäktigaste land. =)

  5. PiratGurra

    Justja. En sak till Rick. Du har inte funderat på att fixa https till din blogg? För kommentarernas skull om inte annat. =)

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